University Lucian Blaga Sibiu, Institutul pentru cercetarea şi valorificarea patrimoniului cultural transilvănean în context european mailto:sabinadrian.luca@ulbsibiu.; web:,

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Brukenthal National Museum

Piaţa Mare, Nr. 4 - 5, Sibiu
Tel: (+40) 269 217691; (+40) 369 101 780
Fax: (+40) 269 211545


International Symposium 

The Carpathian Basin and Its Role in the Neolithisation of the Balkan Peninsula 

Sibiu, 18-20 mai 2007 

The first settlers in South Transilvania area - Miercurea Sibiului case study-

prof.univ.dr. Sabin Adrian Luca, curator Dragoş Diaconescu, curator Adrian Georgescu and univ.asist Cosmin Suciu


The Miercurea Sibiului settlement is located in south Transylvania and is containing 3 levels of the earliest Neolithic horizon from Romania.

The archaeological excavation from the latest years revealed closed complexes (untouched), complete excavated and interdisciplinary analyzed through stratigraphical method, topological and statistical analyses, aero photometry, archaeozoology studies, soil studies, absolute chronology, bone traseology, flint and obsidian studies e.g.

The archaeological discoveries analyzed till now in Transylvania related to the first early Neolithic frames shows that the Neolithic communities penetrate in 2 or 3 waves in a moment when in Greece, for example, Protosesklo Culture flourished.

In Transylvania the genesis is not local, the advanced technologies and the settlers are the result of the migration processes. The extended archaeological excavations from Miercurea Sibiului contribute to the better understanding of the Early Neolithic communities’ behavior in Transylvania area.