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8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology

8th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology

Topic: „Funerary practices in Europe, before and after the Roman conquest (3rd century BC - 3rd century AD)”

Sibiu 4-7 October 2007


Programme :Accomodation : MAP: Travel to Sibiu: Visit Sibiu : Poster

8 th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology



10.00-16.00    Arrival and accommodation of participants at Fundatia Romano -Germana, Turismului Street, no.15.

17.00-18.00    Official opening of the Colloquium, Brukenthal National Museum, Museum of History – Altemberger House
- Opening addresses: organizers, authorities, guests
19.30               Dinner, Brukenthal National Museum, Museum of Hunting Trophies and Weapons


07.00-08.00     Breakfast

09.00-13.00    Plenary meeting, Brukenthal National Museum, Museum of History – Altemberger House

Chairperson: Prof. Diana Gergova

- Diana Gergova (Sofia - Bulgaria) - The Architectural Traditions of the                            Mediterranean World

- Jan Bouzek (Praha – Czech Rep.) and Lidia Domaradzka (Sofia - Bulgaria) – 
Traditions of indigenous funeral customs and beliefs in proper way to afterlife  in Thrace and in other Roman provinces with strong indigenous traditions

- Gavrilă Simion (Tulcea - Roumanie) - Rite et rituel funéraire des Gètes des  bouches du Danube aux III-IIème siècles a. Chr et aux II-IIIème siècles p.Chr

- Liana Oţa (Bucureşti - Romania) - Busta in Moesia Inferior

- Constantin Chera (Constanţa - Romania) - Roman Epoch Funerary Deposits in Niche Typology

- Alexander Minchev (Varna - Bulgaria) - Funerary Practices of Roman Time at the cemeteries of Marcianopolis /Devnya, Bulgaria (2nd- Early 4th c. AD)

- Valeri Yotov (Varna - Bulgaria.) - Finds from Antiquity and Late Antiquity in the Early Middle Age Pagan Necropolises on the Lower Danube


14.00               Lunch, „Juventus” Restaurant, N. Bălcescu St.


16.00-19.00    Plenary meeting, Brukenthal National Museum, Museum of History –Altemberger House

Chairperson: Prof. Ion Niculiţă

- Thomasz Bochnak (Cracovie - Pologne) - Les enclos quadrangulaires en Pologne IV/IIIe siècle avant. J.C – IIe siècle après J.C.

- Iwona Floriewicz (Rzeszow - Poland) - The burial customs of the Przeworsk culture people in the early Roman period in the territory of the South-Eastern Poland

- Pavel Sankot (Prague – Rép. Tchèque) - Le rite funéraire de nécropoles laténiennes en Bohême

- Ion Niculiţă (Chişinău – Rep. of Moldavia) - Considerations regarding the funerary rite and ritual of the communities East of Carpathians in the 3rd century BC – 3rd century AD

- Evghenia F. Redina. (Odessa - Ukraine) - Spatial forming of Greek necropolis of IV-IIIcc B.C. at Koshary

- Tatiana L. Samoylova (Odessa - Ukraine) - Location and well-known sites of necropolis of Tyras


19.30               Dinner, Brukenthal National Museum, Museum of Hunting Trophies and Weapons


07.00-08.00     Breakfast

09.00-13.00    Plenary meeting, Brukenthal National Museum, Museum of History – Altemberger House

Chairperson: Prof. Jan Bouzek

- Aris Tsaravopoulos (Athens – Greece), Sotiris Raptopoulos (Delphi – Greece) and Gelly Fragou (Bristol -England)- Three Monumental Tombs from Locris and Aitolia (Central Greece) (Late Classical / Early Hellenistic – to Roman Imperial Periods)

- Vane Sekulov and Marjan Jovanov (Skoplje -  F. Y. R. Macedonia) - Circle Graves from the Roman Imperial Period from Eastern Macedonia

- Radmila Zotović (Belgrad - Serbia) - Social and Cultural Aspects of the Burial "Krajčinovići-Slana voda" (south-west of Serbia, middle of  II c. B.C.)

- Iosif Vasile Ferencz (Deva – Romania) - La Tène C1 funerary discoveries on the Middle Mureş Course

- Valeriu Sîrbu (Brăila – Romania) and Vitalie Bârcă (Cluj-Napoca - Romania) - Funerary Practices between the Carpathians and the Dniestr (1st century BC-1st century AD)

- Valeriu Sîrbu (Brăila – Romania), Sabin Adrian Luca (Sibiu – Romania), Cristian Roman (Hunedoara – Romania), Silviu Purece (Sibiu – Romania) and Dragoş Diaconescu (Sibiu – Romania) - Hunedoara-The Castle’s Garden: necropolis and/or sacred enclosure?

- Paul Damian and Mihaela Simion (Bucureşti - Romania) - Funerary practices in the necropolises of the ancient communities of Roman period at Alburnus Maior

- Alexandru Gh. Sonoc (Sibiu – Romania) - Toten ohne Gräber, Gräber ohne Toten. Zur Frage der Kenotaphen im römerzeitlichen Dakien

- Găzdac Alföldy Ágnes, Panczél Szilamér, Vass Lórand  (Cluj-Napoca - Romania) - Necropolis Porolissensis – Methods and Perspectives

- Ion Ioniţă (Jassy - Roumanie) - Quelques considérations sur les pratiques funéraires daces et daco-romaines pendant les IIe-IIIe siècles ap.J.C.                                                                                    


13.00               Book launching: Vestigiile dacice de la Hunedoara / The Dacian Vestiges in Hunedoara”, by V. Sîrbu, S. A. Luca, C. Roman, S. Purece, D. Diaconescu, N. Cerişer, Plenary meeting, Brukenthal National Museum, Museum of History – Altemberger House

Addresses by: Prof. Diana Gergova (Sofia – Bulgaria)
                                                 Prof. Jan Bouzek (Praha – Czech Rep.)

14.00-15.00     Lunch

16.00-20.00    Plenary meeting, Brukenthal National Museum, Museum of History – Altemberger House

Chairperson: Prof. Radmila Zotović

  - Milena Tonkova (Sofia – Bulgarie) - L’orfèvrerie en Thrace au IIIe s.av. J.- C. 
              – Ier s. ap. J.-C.

- Eugen Iaroslavschi (Cluj-Napoca - Romania) - Ateliers d’orfèvrerie de Dacie

- Aurel Rustoiu (Cluj-Napoca - Romania) - Dacian Adornments: From the Traditions of the La Tène to the Early Roman Imperial Period

- Sorin Cociş (Cluj-Napoca - Romania) - The Brooches of Roman Dacia

- G. Atanasov (Silistra - Bulgaria) - A golden ring with cameo from a tomb of martyrs from Durostorum in the beginning of the IV century.


20.00              Cocktail, Brukenthal National Museum, Museum of History – Altemberger House


Sunday, October 7th, 2007

07.00-08.00     Breakfast

08.00–09.00    Round table: Accomplishments and perspectives of the research and protection of the funerary monuments in Eastern, South-Eastern and Central Europe, Brukenthal National Museum, Museum of History – Altemberger House


09.00-12.00     Visiting the city of Sibiu and museums

Departure of participants

International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences


The 30th comission

"Lucian Blaga" University Sibiu

Research Centre:

„BRUKENTHAL” National Museum


Museum of History Altemberger House (MNBS)

Directia judeţeană pentru Cultură, Culte şi Patrimoniul Cultural Naţional Sibiu


Programme :Accomodation : MAP: Travel to Sibiu: Visit Sibiu :