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P8 DWELLING, 7C LEVEL, PARŢA (go to romanian version)

Virtual Reconstruction

programms used: 3d Studio Max 7, Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004, Adobe Premiere 6.0, Microsoft Windows Media Encoder 9.0 series, Foto Canvas 1.1

Author of Media materials: Cosmin Suciu

Technical specifications: text and pictures - Gh. Lazarovici, Fl. Drasovean, Z. Maxim, Parţa, vol. I.1,2. (with the accord of prof.univ.dr. Gheorghe Lazarovici)

Thanks to: prof.dr. Sabin Adrian Luca, prof.dr. Gheorghe Lazarovici and dr. Martin White for their support.


  • The original drawing plan
  • The plan of the P8 stucture and the elevation of poles
  • The pillar ’s structure / the structure of pillars
  • The elevation of clay walls and of the storey
  • Detail with the way of the storey reconstruction


The reconstruction of the P8 structure till the roof level

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Technical specifications: text and pictures - Gh. Lazarovici, Fl. Drasovean, Z. Maxim, Parţa, vol. I.1,2. (with the accord of prof.univ.dr. Gheorghe Lazarovici)

Dimensions: The width of the building is 4,75/5m (interior) and the length is 6,90/7,10m

The construction was built in level 7c, after the same plan as P8a. The foundation ditch, from the South part, is on the same route with the first construction/ building, only that in the Southeast corner, the two ditches overlap. During old phase (P8a) the building was narrower. The holes of the structure of the two phases can’t be always so clearly separated; they intercross. There are a lot of yellow clay marks that makes us think about the existence of an arrangement with yellow and black clay. This clay was left since digging the foundation ditches and from the big structure holes. Then it was scattered and trodden. There are many small holes, but we don’t know exactly which functionality they had.

During the sixth level there are changes of the building technique, of the plan and of the storey. From the beginning, it was clearly noticed the existence of a storey and a garret during the second phase. The signs/ marks/ tracks of the first floor were visible between the rests of charcoals from the wooded beam, which were fallen on the floor. The first floor (storey) was located over the first one third of the building, in the West part, where the entrance was.

(ParţaI.2, pl. 71-74 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ),

The construction plan, which looks like a megaron is formed of a rectangle, divided in 3 zones. There are 2 rows of pillars inside. A small street of 1.5 - 2.5 m was between the entrance (on the west side) and the building on the other side.

The roof was sustained by a big pillar structure stuck deep into ground. They were situated on the wall’s route and inside the house also. The pillars from the old phase were almost on the same place as those from the new phase.

The walls were made of a structure of pillars, cloven beams and poles that were put on (mounted) in a broad ditch of about 20-30 cm.

(Parţa I.2, pl. 70/3 ; 73/2-3, ). Walls: West, East, South, North.

The principal pillars were stuck deeper than the other pillars and they were at 1.8 – 2.5 m distance of each other. The poles arranged on three rows were sharped at one end and stuck at different depths. Z. Maxim and Fr. Resch analyzed the structure of the walls (from the South, East and North), which were well preserved.

(Parţa I.2, pl. 71/3-4 , ; 72/1-3, ).

The wall from the West side . was not so well burnt and the structure couldn’t be reconstructed. This was also affected by the dyke/dam work.

The wall from the South side had pit props at 1.90 – 2.50 m distance. Two or three rows of poles were put on between the principal pillars. The order of the poles and how they were arranged was very closed analyzed in a section where they were well preserved. Holes were made at 15-30 cm distance, in one of the pole rows from the interior side. The poles were tied with wriggled/convolute twigs or with green bark bands. The second row of poles in the center didn’t leave marks in the adobe mass. The third row (on exterior and sometimes on interior) was made of poles, and one end was pushed in the ditch. The poles were oblique arranged and covered with clay; so that they form a resistance structure for the wall. Prints from twigs can be observed very clear. An impressive bust-idol was discovered under the ruins of the South wall and under the ruins of the wooden storey. It was weakly burnt as a result of a secondary burning. A loom was also found near by the eastern part of the South wall (c.27, mark d). The loom’s weights were discovered in the southeast corner of the building. Most of the weights are conical, but some are round. Big sling balls were found in the southwest corner of the building. (c. 27, mark d).

The loom’s weights often appear in sanctuaries and in constructions near by cult objects (e.g. in S ălacea Sanctuary - Ordentlich 1972, 73; Sanctuary 2).

Parţa I, Fig. 87 Locuinţa P8, plan

Under theNorth wall ruins another fragmental clay idol was found. The center part of the north wall was well preserved. Unlike other walls, this wall had more stratums of clay soldering, being thicker.


In the East wall’s foundation, two miniature pots were found and also a half from a third little pot. Not a big quantity of burned and unburned clay could be seen between the two constructions, so that we can assume the wall wasn’t covered with clay (not being exposed).

The storey had a structure of big split beams. (Parţa I.2, pl.106 , ). Some little pots made of fine paste were found on the coal from the wooden floor. Here it was discovered a transversal and oblique beam. This beam had clay soldering and it let a trace like a canal in the floor. We think that the clay soldering might due to the crumbling, before or during burning. The long axle beams of the storey fell on the floor where they had burnt. They were burnt incompletely here and there. The beams had about 20-25 cm breadth and they were arranged at 18-20 cm distance. On them, there were transversal beams that provided the rigidity of the floor. The floor’s dimensions were 2 x 3.2 m, based on the pole’s structure.


The south sanctuary covered a part of the destroyed construction (from level 5a). It destroyed a small part of the north wall, on the northwest corner of this construction. The wooden structure of the P8 was massive with thick soldering. The clay ruins had about 30-50 cm thickness. The plan of P8 construction had a parallelogram form (Parţa I.2, pl. 73/1-2 , ; 72/4) as many of this level’s constructions that have 7,20/7,3 x 6 m (5,6 m - interior).

Between the principal pillars (at 1.5-1.8m distance) the wooden structure was different from a wall to another, from a zone to another.

Bibliografie: Gh. Lazarovici, Fl. Drasovean, Z. Maxim, Parţa, vol. I.1,2.

Copyright august 2005: Cosmin Suciu, e-mail to: cos_suciu@yahoo.com, 2005


